Catholic Parish of St Mary of the Presentation Mudgee



Ministries in our Parish Community

“There is a variety of gifts but always the same Spirit; there are all sorts of service to be done, but always to the same Lord; working in all sorts of different people, it is working in all of them.”

Below is an overview of some of the ministries you may like to consider volunteering to help within our parish. There is something for everyone.

We thank everyone who has volunteered in the past and urge you to re-commit for another year.

Be assured that training is provided where required and there is support from the Parish Office. 

Commitment to any ministry is for one year.

If you are interested in volunteering to any of the ministries in our Parish, please print and complete the form here, that is also available in the church, and return it to the Parish Office or contact the Parish Office on 02 6272 2122.

Your help is always appreciated.

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

To assist with the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass. Training and commissioning is required for this Ministry. Must be at least double Vaxed.

Reader (Lector)

At each Mass, the Word of God is proclaimed. The priest proclaims the Gospel and delivers the Homily. The Reader/Lector proclaims the First and Second Readings, and the Responsorial Psalm (if there is no cantor). If you commit to this ministry, there will be a formation to help carry out this ministry as it is required.


Music is an integral part of the celebration of the Eucharist. Musicians (organists, guitarists and others) and singers are encouraged to commit to this ministry, so that this ministry can be shared.

Altar Servers

Children are invited to be part of this ministry. They are given formation and practice. Their participation is an important contribution to the celebration and helps them gain a greater understanding and appreciation of the Mass. Parental permission is required.


As we celebrate the Mass together, there are announcements made which help the community to participated more fully. The Prayer of the Faithful is prayed by the Commentator. The Commentator is required to arrive about 10 minutes before Mass so that the other ministers are present and ready for the Mass.

Liturgy Group

To prepare for the various seasons of the Church year and special celebrations, the Liturgy group assists in the choice of music, structure and various ways to enhance the celebrations.


On various occasions, we gather after Mass to meet other parishioners, visitors and others to enjoy and cuppa and a chat.

Sacramental Preparation Team

Each year families enrol their children to prepare for Baptism, Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation. To assist parents in this time of their family life, sessions are held prior to the celebration of the sacrament. Assistance with hospitality and preparation of these sessions is welcomed.


Children in the Government schools in Mudgee have a half hour lesson of Special Religious Education each week. Teaching material and support is available for those who are able to help in this area.

Pastoral Council

Please consider being part of this vibrant group who work so hard for the pastoral care of our parish community. Meeting once a month to plan events and social gatherings to help grow our Parish community. Please give this some thought.