Many parishioners are well versed these days on internet banking and prefer to set up their own recurring payment to the parish planned giving program via their internet banking account. If this sounds like you, select your parish from the list of parish bank account details below and support your parish with a one-off donation or a recurring payment.
Bank account details for:
St Mary of the Presentation, Mudgee
BSB: 066 781 Account Number: 100004583
St Dominic’s Parish, Kandos
BSB: 066 781 Account Number: 100005344
St John the Baptist Parish, Gulgong
BSB: 066 781 Account Number: 100006612
When making your payment, please include your name in the reference section of your payment details. If you would like to specify your planned giving/donation to the first and/or second collection amount, please specify which collection you are donating to, also in the reference section. You can do this by including ‘1st’ for the first collection or ‘2nd’ for the second collection.
So if you would like to donate to the second collection and your name is John Smith, please enter ‘John Smith 2nd’ in the reference section of your payment form.
Or if you are an existing giver using envelopes, please record your envelope number in the reference field when setting up your internet banking payment.

If you would like the Catholic Development Fund to create a direct deposit to your parish or automate your existing planned giving payment, please complete the Direct Debit Request Form available HERE

Many of us no longer carry cash and this is a very convenient way to donate to the parish. Donations are in $5 $10, $25 or $50 lots – select your amount, then tap your card near the top of the machine.
The machine is located inside the church entrance at the back of the church.